It's a great time to visit Little Nashville, Indiana, quaint village in beautiful Brown County Indiana

Remember When Summer was Fun in Brown County Indiana

little nashville indiana
nashville indiana shops

Nashville Indiana is located in beautiful Brown County Indiana, just one hour south of Indianapolis, Indiana and 20 minutes from the Bloomington campus of Indiana University.

Nashville is known to many country music fans as "Little Nashville" because it was home to The Little Nashville Opry for 25 years, before it was destroyed by fire.

nashville indiana puppet theatre
Nashville Indiana
Historic Hoosier Artist Colony
Brown County Indiana
Just a tank of gas away!
Southern Indiana

Today visitors enjoy The Brown County Playhouse, The Brown County Indiana Art Guild, The historic Brown County Art Gallery, Melchior Marionettes, Bean Blossom Jamboree, Mike's Music & Dance Barn, Wine Festivals, Maple Syrup Festival, and other exciting activities throughtout the year.

Stay overnight in Little Nashville Indiana

Visit Brown County State Park

Get married in Little Nashville

Outdoor Activities

Brown County Indiana is well known throughout the mid-west as a family vacation destination.

Brown County State Park is visited by millions of families each year. Hike, fish, swim & camp at Yellowwood State Forest, Lake Monroe Reservoir and Hoosier National Forest.

Trail rides, pony rides, zip lines, geocaches and the very best mountain biking in the midwest United States as well as championship golf courses near Nashville, Indiana.

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Art, Antiques & Entertainment

Nashville Indiana is well known throughout the mid-west as a music destination. Little Nashville Opry was a major venue for country singing stars for twenty five years. Bean Blossom Jamboree hosts music events throughtout the season. Nashville's best kept secret is line dancing every Monday and Saturday at Mike's Music & Dance Barn.

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